Deliver us not into surveillance

Webmasters! The esteemed mock preacher of urges you to protect the privacy of your users by installing the +2 widget.

Now available in English, so no more excuses: Repent! It’s never too late. Spread the word to other sinners, for they know not what they do.

You can start by sharing this page via the widget itself (at the bottom). Bless you for that.

Update: Looking for a wordpress widget?

Now seriously folks:

The +2 widget can only be effective if there’s a critical mass of sites that use it. If a user is interested in a specific topic, that’s what the user will search for (a search for “any old site that has a +2 widget” would serve no purpose). We need a large enough “privasphere” of sites that don’t track us, covering as many subjects as possible. We need more people like Etgar, AnneAdi, etc. in order to reclaim a big enough “information-super-casbah” where we can learn, teach, debate, or even shop, with minimum corporate and regime surveillance.

Thanks in advance – a concerned Internet user.

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3 Responses to Deliver us not into surveillance

  1. anne says:

    Great, thanks!

    Next we should specifically pray for the admins of to fix their adaption of the button, so that the Facebook button doesn’t disappear and the rest actually show the correct number of clicks (in at least they don’t, so I assume it’s the same here)

  2. lucha says:

    Somebody called? 🙂

    I am aware of the fact that the plugin has problems. Some of them are caused by the fact that WordPress applies the theme’s CSS after the plugins, so you cannot really control that.

    But it looks like you have found more deep problems. If you could help me replicate them, I am willing (of course!) to improve it.


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